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Precision Solicitors Manchester

​Manchester is the home of Precision Solicitors, with our head office being based in Greater Manchester.We offer high quality legal services in Manchester that are affordable and effective.

Precision solicitors have helped 100’s of people in Manchester and many other areas across the UK successfully claim compensation for a number of accidents, including road and work accidents, medical negligence and accidents in public places.


Accident Injury Claim Specialists Manchester – The Process


  1. Get in touch – one of our friendly team members will take some personal details from you and details of your accident. These details will then be reviewed and we will contact you to let you know if we are able to represent you.

  2. Documentation – we will then create all the necessary documentation for your claim, making it as easy and hassle free for you as possible. Documentation will be forwarded to you and one of our expert solicitors who will deal with your claim.

  3. We’ll be in touch – we will contact you to explain the next steps of your claim

  4. Additional evidence – to make your claim as strong as possible, we will gather additional evidence to support your claim. once we have gathered enough evidence, we will notify the party you believe are responsible for your accident and inform them a claim is being made against them.

  5. Medical appointment – we will acquire your medical records and set up a medical appointment at a time that suits you. Our medical expert will prepare a medical report on your injuries and possibly arrange suitable treatment for your injuries.

  6. Response from defendant – we will then wait for a response from the defendant, the time an insurer has to respond in depends on numerous factors such as the type of accident, and where/when the accident took place.

  7. Pre-action protocol – Initially, all personal injury claims are governed by the ‘pre-action protocol. This encourages exchange of information and is designed to help claimants and defendants settle cases quickly and without the need to issue court proceedings.

  8. Negotiate settlement – If liability is admitted by the defendant or their insurer, we will them negotiate settlement on your behalf. If liability is denied, we will conduct necessary investigation to dispute the reasons given by the defendant.

  9. Settlement offer – If liability is admitted, we would consider disclosing your medical evidence to the defendant so they can make a settlement offer.

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